The Crystal Wild & Scenic Coalition
As neighbors, stewards, and enthusiasts of the Crystal River, we seek Wild and Scenic status for the river for the following reasons:
- Protect the Outstandingly Remarkable Values of the Crystal River, including scenery, historic, and recreational values,
- Keep the Crystal River free-flowing and free of dams,
- Thwart out-of-basin diversions of Crystal River waters,
- Protect and enhance the water quality of the Crystal River; and,
- Preserve the flows needed to sustain a healthy ecosystem and recreational opportunities in the Crystal River.
We believe Wild and Scenic status for the Crystal River is the best way to protect it because it will:
- Honor private property rights while not creating any new uses or new limitations on private property along the wild and scenic river segments,
- Uphold Colorado water law and affirm individual water rights, and keep water distribution structures unaffected by Wild and Scenic designation,
- Maintain local control of land use decisions with the counties and municipalities along the Crystal River and in no way may such control be weakened or superseded by federal authorities,
- Result in management activities on the banks of the Crystal River that are currently federally owned (not those privately owned) to protect the river’s outstandingly remarkable values.
Are you a neighbor, steward, or enthusiast of the Crystal River who would like to get more involved in our Coalition efforts? Reach out and let us know!